We can't be everywhere and do everything, though the world is a complicated place full of hardship and injustice, compelling us to do what we can to contribute toward solutions. Thankfully, there are many outstanding groups working tirelessly - often on shoestring budgets - to better the world we live in.

Since college I've regularly donated time and money to organizations I believe are making real contributions to progress: on environmental sustainability, on social justice and human rights, on political accountability, and on media integrity.

This way, the work I do is for these causes as well.

These are the organizations I've supported in recent years: 

Bend, Portland, & Oregon
KPOV - Community Radio of Central Oregon
Latino Community Association - Support, Training, &
                                               Advocacy, Central Oregon
KMHD - Community Jazz Radio
KBOO - Community Radio
OPB - Oregon Public Broadcasting
Street Roots - Homelessness Advocacy
Sisters of the Road - Homeless Assistance
Morrison Child & Family Services
Bicycle Transportation Alliance - Bicycling Advocacy
The Bus Project - Civic Revitalization
PCASC - Portland Central America Solidarity Committee
Center for Earth Leadership - Civic Empowerment
Classroom Law Project - Youth Citizenship Education
OSPIRG - Oregon Public Interest Research Group
Environment Oregon - Environmental Policy

National & International
Public Citizen - Civic Empowerment & Political Accountability
Union of Concerned Scientists - Environmental Advocacy
Move Your Money Project - Wall Street Divestment &
                                         Local Investing
350.org - Climate Change Policy, Advocacy
FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Occupy Wall Street
- Political & Financial Sector Accountability
WikiLeaks - Whistleblowing, Muckraking
Doctors Without Borders - Disaster Relief, Aid
International Red Cross - Disaster Relief, Aid
American Red Cross - Disaster Relief, Aid
United Way - Community Improvement
The Nature Conservancy - Environmental Protection
Kiva - Int'l Development Micro-Loans
riseup.net - Online Tools for Activists
The Moth - Storytelling
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Trust for the National Mall
ActBlue - Progressive Politics
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
One Laptop Per Child - International Tech Aid
Aid El Salvador - Development Aid and Disaster Relief
                          for El Salvador

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